March 17th Edition  Dan Coyle & Scott Mickelson - Tour

Rare. Refreshing. Unique. These are words
commonly used by critics and fans to describe
the performances Dan Coyle and Scott
Mickelson have been doing across the
country for  the past year.  In a recent
article, music critic Alan Federman wrote of
their show, "It's a fresh approach to live
music and hopefully a trend that can continue."

See Federman's full article here

Their Northwest tour also includes dates in
San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Eugene,
Salem, Redding, and Cottage Grove.

See a full list of dates, times, and venues

Mickelson will release his debut album
this summer and is producing Coyle's next
record, which will release later this year.

Both exceptional singer-songwriters are
featured in dozens of music publications, as
well as TV and radio stations across North
America and Europe, but choose to come
together to tour and make music.

Of their ongoing collaboration Mickelson said,
"We did the first tour together on a whim
because we were heading to the same market
at the same time. But it caught on very quickly
and as the offers keep coming in, we plan
to keep refining the show and have as
much fun as possible."

"I've never worked with another artist in any
capacity and live shows have always been my
bread and butter, so I'm surprised whenever
I realize that that's where I've found
myself collaborating. But it's been so much
fun and it makes me grow so much as
an artist every time we do something
together," added Coyle.

The tour partners have graciously put up a
free six song download here

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